Brandeis MakerLab Equipment List
3D printers:
Creator X x 4 (Mr. Orange, Mr. Green, and Mr. Pink, Mr. Moustache)
Monoprice 3D Pro (Mr. Red)
PowerSpeck 3D Pro (Mr. GooglyEyes)
Dremel 3D Pro (student donated)
mUVe 1 SLA (assembled by donated staff time)
mUVe 1 DLP (unbuilt)
DeezMaker Bukito (6-pound portable mini printer)
Printrbot (with Paste-extruder food printing modification)
3x M3D mini 3D printer (Blue, Green, Orange)
Wanhao Prussia i3 (reprap)
MakerBot Rep2 x 2 (Aleph and Omega)
Makerbot Rep2x
LeapFrog XL (24-inch build height)
Type A Machines, Series 1 (12x12x12-inch build volume)
MakerGear M2
Ultimaker 2
FormLabs Form1 SLA
RoVa 5
Builder (2 filament mixing)
Rostock Max (unbuilt kit)
Prussia i3 x2
Foold-a-Rap (unbulit kit)
Lulzbot Taz 5
FusionTech ideaPrinter F100L (22.6-inch build height)
Z-corp 250 (BinderJet 64 color)
Embedded Systems:
Raspberry Pi 2 B+ x 4
Raspbery Pi B+ x 2
Raspberry Pi B w/ Camera x 4
Arduino Uno x 2
Arduino Mega x 2
MBED boards
Beaglebone Black
Paralella board
Many many sensors and shields
4x Soldering kits
adjustable iron
iron stand
solder sucker
solder wick
ESD mat
rosin core lead free solder
2x bench power supplies
soldering practice kits
flux paste
flux syringe
circuit cleaning equipment
3D Scanning:
Xbox 360 Kinect x 2
Xbox One Kinect x 4
Next Engine Desktop 3D Scanner
David 3D Scanner
Virtual Reality:
Custom Built watercooled high end PC (6-corei7/32GB/Geforce 990TI)
3x custom PCs in Farber Innovation Classroom
Oculus Rift DK2 w/ Leap Motion x 2
Google cardboard x 5
Muse Headband x 3
Myo Gesture Armband
Other MakerLab Gear:
Leap Motion gesture controllers x 2
Fillabot 3D printer filament Reclaimer and Extruder/Recycler
Google Cardboard
Software Tools:
Simplify 3D (slicing tool)
MakerBot Desktop (slicing tool)
Cura (slicing tool)
Slic3r (slicing tool)
Repeteir-Host (printer control utility)
Autodesk Fusion 360 (CAD tool)
Solidworks (CAD tool)
Sketchup (CAD tool) (CAD tool)
Blender (CAD tool)
OPENscad (CAD tool)
Onshape (CAD tool)
MeshMixer (CAD fixing/preparation tool)
Netfabb (CAD fixing/preparation tool)
Photoshop (3D slicing engine and CAD fixing/preparation tool)
PyMol (molecular visualization software) (CAD file repository)
Unity 3D (video game development environment - oculus use)
Unreal Engine (video game development environment - oculus use)
Scan Engine Pro (Next Engine’s 3D scan software)
Skanect (xbox Kinect 3D scan software)
David - 3D scanner software (BYOD 3D scanning software)
123D Catch - free iOS Photogrammetry software (3D scanning)
Autodesk Memento (Photogrammetry 3D scanning tool)
Raspberry Pi - baker (Noobs / Raspberian linux install and config)
Arduino (uploading code in the console)
Splashtop (remote desktop w 30FPS and sound)
Firmware upgrade/flash tools for each supported manufacturer of 3D printers